Library of Heaven’s Path is a 2016 Chinese fantasy novel written by Heng Sao Tian Ya. The story revolves around Zhang Xuan, a manga and novel addict who is reincarnated in a world of Nano machines. In his new life, Zhang Xuan becomes an honorable teacher, and along with his transcension, a mysterious library appears in his mind.
The novel delves into themes of teachers and students, grooming and guiding the greatest experts in the world. The story combines elements of action, comedy, drama, fantasy, martial arts, school life, and xuanhuan. Also, the sequel continues the adventures of Zhang Xuan and his friends, facing various challenges and encountering new characters.
The novel is available for reading on various platforms, including Webnovel, WuxiaClick, and Amazon. It has been translated into English and can be found on platforms like MTL Novel. The story is complete and has been adapted into a manhua.
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This article gives you a comprehensive summary of this novel
Title | Library Of Heavens Path 2 |
Author | Heng Sao Tian Ya |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
File Format | Kindle |
Language | English |
Number of Pages | 968 pages |
Customer Reviews | 4.4 out of 5 stars |
Best Sellers Rank | 791,692 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store), 15,205 in Literary Fiction (Kindle Store), 50,335 in Literary Fiction (Books) |
Information about the book “Library Of Heavens Path 2” written by Heng Sao Tian Ya
Library Of Heavens Path By Heng Sao Tian Ya 2
Library of Heaven’s Path is a captivating Chinese fantasy novel written by Heng Sao Tian Ya, published in 2016. The story follows the journey of Zhang Xuan, a manga and novel addict who is reincarnated in a world of Nano machines.
In his new life, Zhang Xuan becomes an honorable teacher, and along with his transcension, a mysterious library appears in his mind. This library automatically compiles books on the weaknesses of anything he has seen, making him formidable.
In the sequel, “Library of Heaven’s Path” (Book 2), the story continues to explore the adventures of Zhang Xuan and his friends. They face various challenges and encounter new characters, such as Emperor Zhuoyang, Fairy Linglong, and Demon Lord Qiankun. The novel delves into themes of teachers and students, grooming and guiding the greatest experts in the world.
Click the link below to read the complete novel online
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Frequently Asked Questions
The novel is a blend of action, comedy, drama, fantasy, martial arts, school life, and xuanhuan.
The sequel consists of multiple volumes, with each volume containing several chapters.
The novel is set in a world of Nano machines, where humans and objects have weaknesses that can be exploited.
The novel is complete and has been adapted into a manhua.
Library of Heaven’s Path by Heng Sao Tian Ya 2 is a Chinese fantasy novel that follows the journey of Zhang Xuan, a manga and novel addict who is reincarnated in a world of Nano machines. The story is engaging and features a unique ability of the protagonist, diverse characters, and themes of teachers and students. The novel is a blend of action, comedy, drama, fantasy, martial arts, school life, and xuanhuan.