After Death by Dean Koontz

After Death by Dean Koontz

After Death Summary by Dean Koontz

After Death by Dean Koontz is a supernatural thriller novel. The novel explores the concept of life after death and introduces supernatural elements such as resurrection, invisibility, and healing. 

Koontz does a masterful job of grounding these elements in reality and making them believable.

After Death is more than just a suspenseful thriller. It is also a novel that explores complex themes such as good vs. evil, the power of love, and the resilience of the human spirit. Koontz does not shy away from these themes, and he offers a thoughtful and nuanced exploration of them.

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This article gives you a comprehensive summary of this novel

Title After Death 
Author Dean Koontz 
Year of Publication July 18, 2023
File Format Kindle, Audiobook, Hardcover, Paperback 
Language English 
Number of Pages 382 pages
Customer Reviews 4.4 out of 5 stars 
Best Sellers Rank #327 in Kindle Store, #2 in Science Fiction Adventure, #2 in Action Thriller Fiction, #2 in Suspense Action Fiction

Information about the book “After Death” written by Dean Koontz

After Death Summary by Dean Koontz

After Death by Dean Koontz is a supernatural thriller novel about a man who is resurrected from the dead with extraordinary abilities.

Michael Mace, head of security at a top-secret research facility, wakes up in a makeshift morgue twenty-four hours after dying in a catastrophic event. He discovers that he has the ability to become invisible and move at superhuman speeds. He also has the power to heal the sick and injured.

Michael decides to use his new abilities to help others, and he sets out to honor the memory of his best friend, Shelby Shrewsberry, who also died in the event. He begins by helping Nina Dozier and her son, John, whom Shelby greatly admired. Nina is a single mother who is struggling to protect John from his abusive father, Aleem Sutter.

Michael’s actions soon attract the attention of the Internal Security Agency (ISA), a powerful and corrupt government agency. The ISA is determined to capture Michael and exploit his abilities for their own gain. The ISA’s most dangerous assassin, Durand Calaphas, is tasked with hunting down Michael and eliminating him.

Michael must use all of his newfound powers to protect Nina and John from both Sutter and the ISA. Along the way, he uncovers a sinister conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of government.

In the end, Michael defeats Calaphas and exposes the ISA’s corruption. He also helps Nina and John to start a new life, free from fear and danger.

Click the link below to read the complete novel online

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Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the main theme of the novel?

The main theme of the novel is the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of evil.

What is the significance of the title After Death?

The title After Death refers to Michael’s resurrection from the dead. It also suggests that there is more to life than what we experience in this physical world. 

Who is Durand Calaphas and why is he hunting down Michael Mace?

Durand Calaphas is the most dangerous assassin for the Internal Security Agency (ISA). The ISA is a powerful and corrupt government agency that is determined to capture Michael and exploit his abilities for their own gain. Calaphas is tasked with hunting down Michael and eliminating him.

Why does Michael Mace decide to use his powers to help others?

Michael Mace decides to use his powers to help others because he wants to honor the memory of his best friend, Shelby Shrewsberry. 


After Death is a thrilling and suspenseful novel that explores themes of good versus evil, the power of love, and the resilience of the human spirit. It is a must-read for fans of supernatural fiction and suspense novels.

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