The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Novel summary by V. E. Schwab


“The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” is a captivating fantasy novel written by V. E. Schwab. 

This enchanting tale weaves elements of historical fiction, fantasy, and romance into a story of a young woman’s extraordinary journey through time, immortality, and the pursuit of identity.

TitleThe Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
AuthorV. E. Schwab
PublisherTor Books; Illustrated edition (October 6, 2020)
File Formatpdf
Number of pages448 pages
Customer Reviews4.5 out of 5 stars 79,862 Reviews
more information about the invisible life of Addie LaRue by V.E Schwab

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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Novel summary by V. E. Schwab

In 1714 France, Adeline LaRue made a desperate Faustian bargain with a dark deity known as “Luc” or “the darkness.” 

She yearns for freedom and a life unconstrained by societal expectations. In exchange for her soul, 

Adeline is granted immortality, but with an eerie twist: everyone she meets forgets her the moment they part ways. She becomes “the girl who is forgotten.”

The novel follows Addie through the centuries as she navigates her timeless existence. 

She learns to adapt, surviving by stealing, seeking knowledge, and never forming lasting connections. 

Her solitude is broken when, in 2014, she encounters Henry Strauss, a young man who remembers her name.

Henry’s ability to remember Addie sets the stage for a unique love story. 

They form a deep bond, and Addie grapples with the possibility of breaking her curse. 

However, Luc, who has shadowed her across centuries, always lurks in the background, ready to reclaim his prize.

“The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” explores themes of art, memory, desire, and the price of immortality. 

It beautifully captures Addie’s longing for a life fully lived and her struggle to leave a lasting mark on the world.

see also – The Deal Book summary by Elle Kennedy (download pdf)

Read The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Novel summary by V. E. Schwab


V. E. Schwab’s “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” is a spellbinding exploration of the human desire for connection and immortality. 

Through Addie’s journey, the novel invites readers to ponder questions of identity, sacrifice, and the enduring power of love and memory. 

It’s a lyrical and haunting tale that lingers in the mind long after the last page is turned.


What makes “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” unique in the realm of fantasy literature?

The novel stands out for its unconventional premise—a protagonist cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.

Is “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” primarily a love story, a fantasy novel, or a combination of both?

The novel is a blend of genres, combining elements of fantasy, romance, historical fiction, and literary fiction.

What impact has “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” had on readers and the literary world?

The novel has received critical acclaim and has resonated with readers for its evocative storytelling and thought-provoking themes.

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