Don’t Trust Her by Cathryn Grant

Don't Trust Her by Cathryn Grant

Don’t Trust Her Summary by Cathryn Grant

Don’t Trust Her by Cathryn Grant is a psychological thriller novel that tells the story of Parker, who had a perfect marriage until her husband’s sister, Eden, came home. 

Twenty years have passed since Dylan’s beloved sister, Celeste, was brutally murdered. As Parker and Eden circle each other, past secrets are revealed, and they find themselves hurtling into a vortex of unimaginable pain and betrayal.

The novel is a fast-paced domestic suspense that keeps the reader guessing until the end. Cathryn Grant weaves a twisted tale of love, revenge, trust, and betrayal.

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This article gives you a comprehensive summary of this novel

Title Don’t Trust Her
Author Cathryn Grant
Year of Publication October 1, 2023
File Format Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback 
Language English 
Number of Pages 300 pages 
Customer Reviews 4.2 out of 5 stars 
Best Sellers Rank #813 in Kindle Store, #25 in Psychological Fiction (Kindle Store), #28 in Psychological Fiction (Books), #28 in Domestic Thrillers (Books)

Information about the book “Don’t Trust Her” written by Cathryn Grant

Don’t Trust Her Summary by Cathryn Grant

Twenty Years after his beloved sister’s murder, Dylan plans a memorial for Celeste, the sister he misses every day. He invites their childhood friend, Eden, to stay with him and his wife, Parker.

Parker is uneasy. She remembers Eden’s designs on Dylan, and she fears Eden still carries a torch for him. Her fears seem confirmed when Eden openly flirts with Dylan and captivates their pre-teen daughter.

Parker desperately tries to hasten Eden’s departure, but Dylan resists, fondly remembering their childhood. When Eden raises questions about Celeste’s murder, Parker’s fears escalate. She worries Eden’s digging will harm Dylan’s mental health.

Can Parker get rid of Eden before she destroys her family? Why has Eden really returned? As the old friends circle each other, past secrets are revealed, and they find themselves hurtling into a vortex of unimaginable pain and terror.

Click the link below to read the complete novel online

Read Also: Mothers and Daughters by Sian O’Gorman

Frequently Asked Questions

What genre does “Don’t Trust Her” belong to?

“Don’t Trust Her” belongs to the psychological thriller genre.

What is the writing style of “Don’t Trust Her”?

“Don’t Trust Her” is a fast-paced domestic suspense that keeps the reader guessing until the end. Cathryn Grant weaves a twisted tale of love, revenge, trust, and betrayal.

What is the target audience of “Don’t Trust Her”?

The target audience of “Don’t Trust Her” is fans of the psychological thriller genre.

What are the themes explored in “Don’t Trust Her”?

The themes explored in “Don’t Trust Her” are trust, betrayal, love, and revenge.

Where can I buy “Don’t Trust Her”?

“Don’t Trust Her” is available for purchase on Amazon and other online bookstores.


Don’t Trust Her by Cathryn Grant is a gripping and suspenseful psychological thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. With its well-crafted plot, intricate characters, and relentless suspense, it explores themes of trust, betrayal, love, and revenge. 

The author weaves a twisted tale of manipulation and mistrust, creating an atmosphere of constant intrigue and psychological tension. 

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