Sorry Not Sorry by Sophie Ranald

Sorry Not Sorry by Sophie Ranald

Sorry Not Sorry Summary by Sophie Ranald

Sorry Not Sorry by Sophie Ranald is a romantic comedy novel that follows the story of Charlotte, a woman whose life is going through some upheaval. 

The novel explores Charlotte’s journey as she tries to find herself and navigate her relationships with her family, friends, and love interests. The story is told through present-day conversations and flashbacks to Charlotte’s past, revealing the fractured relationships within her family. 

The novel has been described as a fabulously feel-good read that will make readers laugh until they cry and leave them living life to the fullest.

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This article gives you a comprehensive summary of this novel

Title Sorry Not Sorry
Author Sophie Ranald
Year of Publication February 13, 2019
File Format Kindle, Audiobook, Paperback 
Language English 
Number of Pages366 pages
Customer Reviews 4.0 out of 5 stars 
Best Sellers Rank #798 in Kindle Store, #8 in Humorous Fiction, #10 in General Humorous Fiction, #44 in Contemporary Women’s Fiction

Information about the book “Sorry Not Sorry” written by Sophie Ranald

Sorry Not Sorry Summary by Sophie Ranald

Charlotte, once a good girl, was bored of her mundane life. She felt smothered by her routine, lonely in bed at night, and like love was a fairytale. 

Stumbling upon the podcast “Sorry Not Sorry,” which encouraged women to embrace their inner bad girl, she decided to shake things up.

Old Charlotte would never have approached a stranger, gone on a blind date, or bought lacy lingerie. 

But New Charlotte, with a margarita in hand, waved goodbye to her comfort zone. And to her surprise, good things happened to bad girls.

Click the link below to read the complete novel online

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main character’s name in the novel?

The main character’s name in the novel is Charlotte.

What is the genre of “the novel?

It is a romantic comedy novel.

What is the setting of “Sorry Not Sorry”?

The setting of the book is in Hackney, east London.

Is “Sorry Not Sorry” a good read?

Yes, the book has been described as a fabulously feel-good read that will make readers laugh until they cry and leave them living life to the fullest.


Sorry Not Sorry by Sophie Ranald is a romantic comedy novel that has been described as a fabulously feel-good read that will make readers laugh until they cry and leave them living life to the fullest. 

While some readers may find the ending unsatisfying, the book has been praised for its humor, relatable characters, and feel-good vibes.

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